How to ACTUALLY Achieve Your 2023 Goals - Dream Daily

How to ACTUALLY Achieve Your 2023 Goals

For us dreamers, imagining our dream life is exciting but sometimes completing the goals to get there can be daunting. So, here is how to ACTUALLY effectively reach your goals!

Step one in achieving your goals is to reflect on the past year and journal about your dream life.

It is important to be realistic with yourself about this past year. What were some high moments? Moments you are proud of? What was unexpected? Was it good or bad?

When thinking about your dream life, think of the big picture, not specific goals yet. Dream big! Some questions to ask yourself:

What does my dream job look like?

Who is the dream type of person I want in my life?

What is my dream salary?

What are my priorities?

What does my dream day look like?

Next, step two is to set your goals.

What goals stick out to you from the journaling that you can achieve in the next year? Big or small. Maybe it is a new business, side hustle, or a certain number of books to complete this year. Write them out!

Step three is to divide your goals into quarters.

Take one to five of your goals and divide them into quarterly goals. You may be thinking “Why split them up?” Dividing your goals into quarters makes them more manageable and approachable. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by a big list of daunting things to accomplish, split them up so that working towards them is enjoyable and sustainable. It is also helpful to put them in the season that works for you. Maybe the winter is an extra hectic season of your life so you only set one goal during the last quarter. Having them in quarters is a great way to have a fresh start to revisit your goals and revise them! 

Lastly, step four is to define your goals.

Determine whether the goals in your list are project goals or habit goals. How do you know the difference? A project goal has a series of mini-goals that build on one another to accomplish the big goal. A habit goal is something that can be checked off daily. 

Why is it important to define them? Habit goals and project goals should be approached differently! Here are four quick things to do before starting a project goal to make it manageable. 


1. Define your goal. What is the goal you are working towards?

2. Why are you working on this goal?

3. Make a list of the small tasks that need to be done to complete the project. Think of small-scale, bite-size tasks that could be done in 30 minutes.

4. Decide when in your day you can dedicate at least 30 minutes to achieving your project goal! When inspiration strikes it is easy to work hard for the first few weeks but often we reach burnout. To help prevent burnout, split your goals up into smaller tasks that can be done each day to make a sustainable routine. 

Soon enough it will be 2024 and you will be celebrating all the progress you have made working toward your goals! Dream big!

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