January is quickly coming to an end and February is right around the corner, so it is time to start prepping for the month because month 1 of 2023 is done!
Before planning February, take a few minutes to reflect on January: 💫
- What were my goals for this month?
- Did I complete any goals?
- How did completing your goals make me feel?
- Am I proud of my progress?
- What would I change for next month?
- What stopped me from achieving the goals that I did not complete and wanted to?
- What were some highs of my month? What were the lows of my month?
- Take a few moments to look at your budget and assess how you feel you did.

Now that you better understand what January was like, let’s think ahead to February!
Prompts to journal about: 🖊
- What goals did I not fully achieve last month that I want to accomplish this month?
- Why did I not stick to my goals last month?
- What routines, habits, or disciplines do I need to put in place to help me better achieve those goals?
Take a second look at your yearly and quarterly goals. ✔️
- What small steps can I take this month to achieve these goals?
- Are there any new goals to add or any goals that need changing?
Set intentions for the month and why you chose these intentions.
If it is helpful for you, make a vision board for the month!

Now that we have reflected on January and envisioned February, let’s take a few minutes to do some smaller tasks to prepare! 👊🏼
- Take some time to schedule or take note of appointments this month.
- Clean out your emails, respond to missed ones, and send follow-ups from last month.
- Clean up and organize your space! Do the annoying things you do not want to do weekly or daily.
The winter months can tend to make us feel bleak and gray, but they do not have to be! Use the time stuck inside to work on your goals! Your dreams are not too far out of reach. 💕